Rottweeler Information

Monday, August 27, 2012

7/31/2012 Lyndale Road Race

"I've never seen so many tired big names in the Tour de France.  These fellows have all tried and have been destroyed"  Phil Liggett, July 30, 2000  (Insert Lyndale road race for TdF)

"Another perfect day of racing in Lyndale if your name is Barten.  The wind and temperature made these men challenge the course that broke lesser men, and of these there are some lesser men."  Ed Matthiesen, July 31, 2012

"Riding like the wind, Hinault is producing an attack never seen since the Halycon days of Eddie Merckx, the legendary Belgian who make a habit of achieving the impossible.  LeMond knows now that his friend at the dinner table is his rival on the road."  Phil Liggett, 1986 TdF  (Insert any name below with Hinault and any other name below with LeMond.)

"He looked at the gages on the power plant and saw that the engine could deliver no more.”   Mental thought when that devil-man of a rider Barten had crept into Matthiesen’s slip stream." Matthiesen 200m from the finish, July 31, 2012, Lyndale road race.

Sprint 1st           2nd        3rd
1 JC                  JS         CG
2 JB                  JC         EM
3 JC                  JS         JB
4 CG                 JB         JC
5 JB                  JS         JC

Total Sprint Points
JC 10
JS 6
JB 9
CG 4
EM 1

Finish Points
John Barten 10
Ed Matthiesen 9
Craig Gustafson  8
John Carline 7
Jim Smith 6
Bob 5

"Look at them!  They're like goldfish out there!"  Phil Liggett referring to heavy breathing riders in the 2000TdF.

"One by one these tired old rags from the midwest fell into the hell of exhaustion and collapsed on the tarmac of Highway 6."  E. Matthiesen, July 31, 2012

"The history of the Tour De France was chiseled into these walls of rock by men willing to ask more of themselves knowing that this time for some, the answers from their bodies would be more." Phil Liggett, 1987 TdF

“This was harder than it looked.”  E. Matthiesen, 2012 Rottweeler races, said numerous times

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