Rottweeler Information

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Totals after TOM

See the results link, or click here

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014

Schedule change for July 1st

I think it is too uncertain to ride Elm Creek tomorrow given the forecast.

We'll run the Lyndale out/back or road race tomorrow.   Or both.  Decide at the start. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Timbow Time Trial - June 24th

Due to wet conditions at Elm Creek, we will hold the time trial this week at Tim's house on the Timboree race course.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekly updates

5/19/2014 - Schedule Change

Given the rains, we're going to run the Hell of Greenfield on 5/20 and run Rebecca on 5/27.

5/13/2014 - Lyndale Out/Back
Ed was the only guy that rode today, getting 10 points, time is inconsequential.

5/6/2014 - Medina Angina
The intrepid Rotts headed east on the first leg of the storied Medina Angina.  As Tim observed, “I knew there would be trouble on the return when I looked at the speedometer and it was over 30 mph on the flat”.
The start was fun, but Hamel road was not.  I thought the mountains of Hamel Rd would block the gale force wind, but NO.  The combination of wind and hill brake Jim’s concentration and lost him time.

64 degrees F, wind 25-30 mph out of the East

John C.   40:56
John B    42:40
Ed            45:50
Jim S       46:02
Tim Z      52:23
Kate       59:49

4/29/2014 - Ride cancelled this week.
Don't let a little rain put a hamper on your training. 

4/22/2014 - Iron Butterfly results
Perfect day for the Iron Buttery – not too hot, and winds had died down enough that Kate could get out of the Camaro without the wind catching the door.

The potholes turning towards the cemetery provided an interesting obstacle course, but no one fell in. Also, no police interactions, so all in all a successful ride.

Note: Three racers had the impression I could remember three times – so if you times are wrong, please correct them.

John B      26:33
Craig G     27:25
Jim S        29:50
Tim Z        33:00

Kate A      39:59

Editor's note: Jim gave Tim a blue cap and John a nearly new Easter Bonnet.

4/15/2014 - Tax Day, Hill Killer results
Replacing electrolyte solutions in their water bottles with hot cocoa, four hearty Rottweelers embraced a 38 degree temperature for the 2014 season opener on the Hill Killer course.

Fashionably clad in tights, shoe booties, heavy gloves and balaclavas, the Fantastic Four rode in light easterly winds with the evening sun shining through a thin veil of clouds.  The staggered start worked well enough for Ice T to encourage all other riders as they powered past him on the killer hills in the final mile.

Race times were of course slowed by the increase in air density due to the low temperature, but this group of "non-whimp" riders delighted in knowing a decreased turnout meant higher point totals.

John B           17:10
Craig G          17:31
Ed M               19:10
Tim Z              20:39

Friday, April 11, 2014